Books by Marguerite Duras (4)


Moderato Cantabile by Marguerite Duras EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Vietnam flag Vietnam
A distressed young man murders the woman he loves in a caf�, watched by a large crowd. Fascinated by the crime she has witnessed, Anne Desbaresdes returns several times to the scene, forming a relationship with a man who also saw the murder, and drinking through the afternoon with him as he patiently answers her eager questions. Slowly, they find themselves being taken over by forces which threaten their own stability.Moderato Cantabile is a carefully woven tapestry of emotion, in which the characters' inner lives are reflected by the story's spaces and landscapes.


O amante by Marguerite Duras PT

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Vietnam flag Vietnam
Prêmio Goncourt em 1984, com mais de 2 milhões e meio de exemplares vendidos apenas na França, Romance autobiográfico que acompanha a tumultuada história de amor entre uma jovem francesa e um rico comerciante chinês na Indochina pré-guerra. Com uma prosa intimista e certeira, Duras evoca a vida nas margens de Saigon nos últimos dias do império colonial da França e relembra não só sua experiência, mas também os relacionamentos que separaram sua família e que, prematuramente, gravaram em seu rosto as marcas implacáveis da maturidade.


The Lover by Marguerite Duras EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Vietnam flag Vietnam
Set in prewar Indochina, this is the haunting tale of a tumultuous affair between an adolescent French girl and her Chinese lover. The author evokes life on the margins of Saigon in the waning days of France's colonial empire, and its representation in the passionate relationship between two unforgettable outcasts.


The Sailor from Gibraltar by Marguerite Duras EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Vietnam flag Vietnam
Disaffected, bored with his career at the French Colonial Ministry (where he has copied out birth and death certificates for eight years), and disgusted by a mistress whose vapid optimism arouses his most violent misogyny, the narrator finds himself at the point of complete breakdown while vacationing in Florence. After leaving his mistress and the Ministry behind forever, he joins the crew of The Gibraltar, a yacht captained by Anna, a beautiful American in perpetual search of her sometime lover, a young man known only as the Sailor from Gibraltar.''